I say who ever used child labor in there factories during the IR is a real bad person. To put children in dangerous working conditions, and to to dock there pay for even being a few minutes late.
Category: Social Studies
Battle of Bennington
The Battle of Bennington took place on Augest 16, 1777. During the battle we lost 30 and they lost 207. This battle is a really important victory for us, because it reduced the British army by almost 1000. Our astounding commander is John Stark, and their commander is Friedrich Baum. At the end we captured 500 of their solders. We ingered 32 of their solders.
Photo Credit: TheHistoryJunkie.com
9/11 Reflections
I feel bad for the victims’ families for losing a loved one.It makes me feel better that fire fighters and rescue workers tried to help them.That day changed America and the meaning of hero.
Photo Credit: www.wpclipart.com
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Henry Highland Garnet was born December 23,1815.The most important thing he is that he became a cival rights leader.he did not like slavery.He became a minister.He told slaves strike for your lives and freedom.He was also a newspaper editor.He was a slave too.
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