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Your immune system helps keep you safe from bacteria. You may not see it but it works hard.  When a mosquito bites you your immune system starts to work. It even works when you are sick.

So Long 3rd Grade

The most important thing I learned was division.

My favorite project was the animal project.

I was most surprised by the balloon prizes.

The thing I disliked was the starr.

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Henry Highland Garnet was born December 23,1815.The most important thing he is that he  became a cival rights leader.he did not like slavery.He became a minister.He told slaves strike for your lives and freedom.He was also a newspaper editor.He was a slave too.


JasperHey i’m the Sun.I’m 10,000 degrees fahrenheit.I,m mostly made of gases.I’m not solid.I’m 93,000,000 miles away from Earth.